Young Performers

Young Actors flying on stage in Peter Pan

Occasionally PCPA produces shows that require young performers, and we look to our community to cast these young performers. Auditions for young performers are announced on our website and in local media; however, if you would like to be on our young performer mailing list, please fill out and submit the form below.

PCPA is seeking young performers for 'Waitress'!

Auditions will be on Saturday, February 1st at PCPA’s rehearsal studios (directions are below)

Please prepare 30 seconds of memorized material to share with us. This can be a favorite poem, song, nursery rhyme, or a bit of a play or musical you love. Please note: singing will be acapella.

The auditions will begin at 9:00am. Please arrive by 8:45am to check-in.


Young performers who can play a girl who looks 5-7 years old.

Casting: LULU – young girl, daughter of Jenna and Earl. A sweet, carefree child who appears in the last scene of the show. Should be confident and able to engage in a small amount of dialogue and movement on stage.

The role of Lulu is a very small, but extremely important role that appears only in the last scene of the show. Because we’d like to limit late nights for our young performers, we hope to double cast the role for both the Santa Maria and Solvang performances with children who live nearby.

Production Info

Rehearsals begin: March 12th (Santa Maria) | June 3rd (Solvang)

Santa Maria performances: April 26th- May 11th

Student Matinees: May 1 and May 8 @10am (Santa Maria)

Young performers will need to miss some school for these performances.

Solvang remount rehearsals begin: June 3rd

Solvang performances: June 19th-July 6th

PCPA rehearses: Tuesday-Friday 6:30-10:30pm

Saturday 1-5pm & 6:30-10pm

Production Info

TECH WEEK will include Sunday rehearsals.  We will be able to limit the young performers’ late hours during the rehearsal process, but during tech week there may be some late nights.

All rehearsals before tech week will take place in Santa Maria.

Rehearsal Schedules

PCPA – Waitress

PCPA – Waitress (Solvang)

Waitress Full Schedule

    Young Performer Information

    Parent Or Guardian Information

    900 E. Stowell, Santa Maria, CA
    PCPA rehearsal studios and business offices are located on the south side
    of the Columbia Business Center building, behind (just west of) Costco.

    Young Performers FAQ

    What do I need to bring to the audition?

    Prepare a one minute song. Bring sheet music, an accompanist will be provided. Wear comfortable clothes, you may be asked to learn a short section of a dance.

    How can I best prepare for the audition?

    Become familiar with the play, you may be asked to read from the script.

    How long is a typical rehearsal period?

    Rehearsals typically begin four weeks before the production opens.

    What hours do I have to be available for rehearsal?

    Winter/Spring productions rehearse evenings from 6:30 to 10:30 pm and weekends from 1 – 5pm and 7 – 11pm. Summer productions rehearse afternoons from 1-5pm and evenings from 7-11pm. Special consideration is given to young performers and they are often given shorter calls. However, as the open date approaches, all actors will be required to be available for the entire rehearsal period.

    Do I have to be available for all rehearsals?

    You must clear your personal schedule to be available for all rehearsal times. However, there are times you will not be called.

    Do I have to be available for all performances?

    Yes. Unless the show is double cast or the director agrees to a pre-arranged absence.

    Do I get complimentary tickets for my friends and family?

    One ticket per performance is allotted to an immediate family member or guardian. In addition, all company members are given two complimentary tickets per production.

    Is there any pay or compensation for my work?

    No. You will receive credit in the program.