Alex Robertson

Alex Robertson is 12 years old from Arroyo Grande, California and attends Paulding Middle School. He enjoys playing golf and basketball in his free time. Alex joined PCPA in the summer of 2022 to play Kurt von Trapp in The Sound of Music. Other noteworthy past roles include Augustus Gloop from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Harry MacAfee from Bye Bye Birdie, and Cinderella’s Prince from Into the Woods. Alex is thrilled and honored to be back at PCPA playing Michael Hobbs in Elf The Musical and would like to thank Shannon Lowrie and The Studio of Performing Arts, his vocal coaches, Judith Dunlore and Colin Toohey, as well as the amazing PCPA team who diligently guided and prepared him for this endeavor.
Red Cast show dates:
NOV - 9, 11, 17, 18 (7PM), 25 (1:30PM), 26
DEC - 1, 2 (7PM), 9 (1:30PM), 10, 13, 15, 16 (7PM), 17 (7PM), 20, 21 (7PM), 22 (7PM)